A rainy day finishing up my last paper. Listening to the new Gold Panda 12" "DJ Kicks" and loving the song Through Clouds. Ready to fly home tomorrow to see the fam and friends for a nice Thanksgiving Break.
Gold Panda
A rainy day finishing up my last paper. Listening to the new Gold Panda 12" "DJ Kicks" and loving the song Through Clouds. Ready to fly home tomorrow to see the fam and friends for a nice Thanksgiving Break.
About author: Alistair Song-White
Knowledge is power is love. Ignorance is fear is suffering. Every choice you make is now.
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Corona Touchless Door Opener and Stylus - "Galactic Zap" by 1618AWAKE
"Stars Above"
Glow in the dark
5 panel hat
by 1618AWAKE
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- i feel it
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- i love you
- i need to start using new vocal samples lol
- i want u
- I Was Thinking
- I'm Coming Home
- I'm God
- I'm Not Alone
- i'm sorry
- Iam6teen
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- ianewing
- ice cold soul
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- if you wana
- if you wanna
- Im Not Your Toy
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- Jaydee
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- jimmy eat world
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- John Frusciante
- Jon Hopkins
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- jorja smith
- joshua moreno
- joy
- joy again
- Joyride
- jt the 4th
- juice wrld
- juicy
- Julia Stone
- julien mier
- july
- Jungle Fiction
- jus jack
- just
- just a kid from seattle.
- just adam
- just kiddin
- Justice
- K.raydio
- Kaasi
- kali uchis
- kalum
- Kanye West
- kartell
- kaskade
- kavern
- kaytananda
- Kaytranada
- kaz moon
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- khalid
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- kidd freakk
- kidd_freakk
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- Kill Me I'm Sick
- Kill the Noise
- Kim Fai
- kimochi
- kindess
- kinetik
- Kinisi
- Know The Feelin'
- knx
- knx.
- Knxwledge
- kobe
- koda to graph remix
- kody
- Kool and The Gang
- kource
- Kraak & Smaak
- Krakota
- krne
- krystal klear
- kubix
- kucka
- kudi
- kumo
- Kyle Andrews
- L.A. Lights
- L.A.S.E.R.
- L'Amour
- l'oveture
- La Roux
- La Semaine
- lady
- Laidback Luke
- lain horrocks and Panda
- Lake Arrowhead
- lakim
- lan party
- lane 8
- lani rose
- Lapalux
- Lapti
- lately
- laura brehm
- laxcity
- lay-by
- leak
- leftwing
- legend of zelda
- Lemaitre
- lemo jersey
- lenzman
- leopard shepherd
- let me hit it
- let me know
- let you know
- let your guard down
- lewis
- lianne la havas
- Lick The Rainbow
- lido
- lie4
- Life is Good
- lifesaver
- Lifetime
- light
- light lock
- lil death
- Lil Jon
- Limit To Your Love
- Lisa Mitchell
- little people
- little simz
- live
- liz
- liz & tyga
- lo lytes
- Lo'99
- lobby music
- Lobegrinder
- Logic
- logistic
- logistics
- long
- long live
- long way
- looking out for you
- lorde
- lorn
- losing my mind
- lost birds
- lost in the chrome forest
- Lost My Mind
- lost tonight
- lost woods
- louis futon
- louis la roche
- Love
- Lover's Shadow
- Lovers
- lovertune
- loverture
- Lovin U
- LP
- lucid monday
- lucy rose
- Lucy Stone
- Luke Fono
- lumine
- Lunice
- luv u right
- lxyury
- Lyphe
- lyves
- M Black
- m.A.A.d city
- M'Black
- M83
- Machinedrum
- madeon
- Madison Beer
- Madness
- Maduk
- Magdalena
- Magdalena bay
- magnets
- maiday
- majestic
- majestic casual
- majestically offset
- make you feel
- Manifestations
- Mapei
- mara hruby
- Marcel Everett
- Marijuana
- Mark Ronson
- Mark Stewart
- Martin Solveig
- mashup
- Masta Ace
- matt ross
- Mattison
- maur
- maxd
- maxwell
- maybe it's the rain
- Mayday
- mazego
- mccallaman
- me
- Me Gusta Mucho
- medain
- medasin
- meds
- Melodiesinfonie
- metadata
- method om
- metome
- Mettle
- MF Doom
- Mick Jenkins
- mike parvizi
- Mikos Da Gawd
- Mind
- Mind Mischief
- mini
- Misogi
- missed calls
- mista selecta
- mistakes
- mistermack
- Misto Lion
- Mix
- model man
- modjo
- Moe Shop
- Moglii
- moment
- Moments
- momentum
- Mono
- Mono/Poly
- monrroe
- Mood Beats
- moon to mars
- Mord Fustang
- Morning Mountain
- mosh
- Motivation
- Mount
- Mouth
- movies
- moving with you
- Mr
- Mr Carmack
- Mr Chest Face
- Mr.
- Mr. Carmack
- Mr. Polska
- ms. right now
- Mt
- Mt. Eden
- mura masa
- Mura Misa
- murat salman
- Murderers
- Muscle Rollers
- music
- music sounds better with you
- Musiq Soulchild
- mute the rage
- my carousel
- my guns
- my life
- My mind
- My Red Hot Car
- n3w thought
- n3wthought
- Nah Mean
- Nas
- national public radio
- ned
- neon light
- Neopolitan Dreams
- Netsky
- Neus
- never b mine
- New
- new age
- new day
- new era
- new thought
- New thought movement
- Nick Bliss
- nick mira
- nighttime
- niia
- Niki Randa
- niko the kid
- Nilow
- nimino
- no captain
- no error
- no love
- nobody else
- Noisia
- Nora En Pure
- nori
- Northern Lights
- Nosaj Thing
- Nostalchic
- not enough
- Notice
- now you must climb alone
- nujabes
- Numb
- nylo
- nymfo
- Oakmoss
- ocean blue
- Octavio Santos
- Oddisee
- odesza
- official
- oh wonder
- old school
- Old Times
- oldschool
- oll
- oll-zen
- olswel
- om
- Omri
- once is enough
- one kiss
- One More Time
- onefourthree
- Onra
- Opium Project
- oppidan
- Opposites Attract
- original
- oscar oscar
- osean world
- oshi
- Other Lives
- Ounce
- out now
- Out of Body
- Out of Touch
- Outputmessage
- Over
- Overnight
- owl eyes
- owsey
- P-Money
- Paat
- pai mei
- Paper Thin
- Parallel
- paramore
- Paranoid
- paris
- parkway drive
- Passion Pit
- passionfruit
- Pedestrian
- pegasus.exe
- Pendulum
- Perfect Form
- Permission To Love
- Pharrell Williams
- philanthropist
- photon scooter
- pick you up
- picture
- Pillowtalk
- pinkpantheress
- pinkpatheress
- pipes
- pirado
- Piri
- piri & tommy
- Pistol Syrup
- Planet Giza
- playa
- playboi carti
- plue starfox
- plug walk
- Plus One
- Poetic Effusions
- point point
- polar youth
- polica
- Poly
- poly 8
- pomo
- pon de time
- porter robinson
- portland
- Portrait
- positive vibe
- Potential Fans
- pouritup
- power
- Predictions
- prefuse 73
- pretty thoughts
- Private Eyes
- produced
- produced djemba djemba
- Producer
- progress
- project mooncircle
- project paradis
- Promise
- Proper Villains
- psilogod
- Psymun
- pull me in
- Push Me
- Push The Feeling On
- py
- pyor
- qualities
- Quarantine Sessions
- quickly quickly
- radio edit
- Radio for the Daydreamers
- radio juicy
- Radiohead
- rafau
- Rainbow Hiccups
- raindrops
- rainy day
- Rancesco Diaz
- rappers
- Ratatat
- Ratched It
- Rather Be With You
- raury
- ravager
- rave review
- raver
- Raw
- Ready for Life
- ready set loop
- Real
- really got it
- recordings
- records
- red meat
- redo
- reflexxion
- regret
- Relativity 2
- relativity 3
- Religion
- Religion Remix
- Remix
- reprise
- Reptile's Theme
- retaliation
- reverie
- revoke
- rgry
- Rhythmic Philosophy
- ride
- Rigamortis
- rinse 3
- risk
- robb
- robotaki
- RocheMusique
- rocky
- rod wave
- room
- Rosewood
- rownmaywai
- rowpieces
- roy ayers
- Rua
- Runnin
- running
- Rush
- Rusko
- Ryan Gosling
- ryan hemsworth
- Ryan Taubert
- S.O.S.
- s.p.y.
- sabbatical
- sabrina claudio
- sad machine
- Sage The Gemini
- Sail
- saint haze
- saint wknd
- salute
- sam gellaitry
- Sampha
- sample
- sample pack
- Samuel Truth
- san holo
- sanctuary
- sangbeats
- Sango
- Santo Domingo
- saviour
- Say my name
- Say That
- Sayin' Yeah
- scenic route
- schoolboy q
- Scooter Lavelle
- Sea of Japan
- secondcity
- seconds
- secret songs
- Section 80
- See-Saw Kids
- seek
- Seiswork
- selected
- self worth
- selfish
- seoul
- sg lewis
- Sh?m
- Shadow
- Shake
- Sharlene Hector
- shedontknowbutsheknows
- shelter sf
- Sherane
- shh001
- shit
- shiver
- Shy Girls
- Side B
- silence groove
- Sinead Harnett
- Sing About Me Im Dying of Thirst
- Sippin
- sir
- sir rock
- sirens
- sixteen intervals
- skills
- SKisM
- Skrillex
- sky ferreira
- Skylar Grey
- skylike
- sleeping with
- Sleepless
- Sleepyhead
- sloslylove
- Slow Burn
- Slow Magic
- slowmo
- smile
- snakehips
- snap back
- snctm
- sniper's theme
- snipers theme
- Snoop Dogg
- Snoop Dogg Millionaire
- So Beautiful
- So High
- So Many Details
- so sweet
- soft spot
- Softgram
- Solitude is Bliss
- someone like you
- Something Good Can Work
- something special
- sometime
- Son of Yvonne
- sonny fodera
- sons of the morning
- Soosh
- Soraya Vivian
- sosh
- sosh and mosh
- soul
- Soulection
- souncloud
- Souvenir
- Space Opera
- sparrow
- Spazzkid
- spearhead
- speed limits
- spinnin
- spongebob
- spooky black
- Sporty-O
- spy
- Squarepusher
- Squeeze Me
- Squid Game
- squidward
- stand still
- stardust
- Starkey
- staro
- starwin
- stay positive
- Steps
- Steve Aoki
- stewrat
- Still
- Still Ballin
- Still Grindin'
- Story of the Year
- Stressed Out
- strlght
- stutter
- Stwo
- Sub Focus
- subdaio
- submerse
- Submorphics
- submotion orchestra
- Sue Cho
- Suken
- Summer Madness
- Summer of 86
- Sun
- Sun Glitters
- Sunni Colon
- Sunni Colòn
- sunny
- Sunshine
- supernatural
- suprnova
- Sushi
- Sweater Beats
- sweetness
- Swim
- swimming slow
- switch
- Switchdubs
- Sworn
- ta-ku
- taches
- take me back
- Take My Hand
- take this love
- Take Us Alive
- Take Your time
- Talamak
- Talay Riley
- Talk 2 Me
- Tamala
- Tame Impala
- Tantsui
- Tarkovsky
- tears
- teebs
- Teenager
- Tele Fresco
- Telephobia
- tempo clash
- temptation
- tennyson
- tenru
- Tep No
- Texas
- that's life
- that's what you get
- The Anthem
- The Beatles
- the bullet and the gun
- The Cataracs
- the code
- the cold
- The Downslope
- The drops
- the endorphins
- The Eunoia Tapes
- the future kingz
- the game
- the girl next door
- The Island
- The Joy Formidable
- The Knocks
- The Limit
- the love
- The middle east
- the most
- the new episode
- The Only Evidence
- the procussions
- the rain
- the receiver
- The Rolling Stones
- The Second
- The SOS Band
- The Transit War
- The Twelves
- the underachievers
- The Walk
- the way she moves
- The Wilhelm Scream
- theme
- theme sequence
- theme song
- thieves
- Thieves Like Us
- think about
- thinking about it
- those days
- Through
- Thundercat
- tides
- Tiesto
- Tikal Shine
- Time Killer
- Time to Realize
- Timeless
- tkthisbeatbang
- tlomusic
- tmrw
- To The Top
- tobi lou
- tobtok
- tokalosh
- tokyopill
- tolan
- tom misch
- Tom's Dinner
- Tommy Villiers
- Tonight
- Too Much
- Too Smart
- Toro Y Moi
- Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs
- tourist
- tove lo
- Transhuman
- Trap
- trip-hop
- trippy turtle
- Tropics
- TroubleGum
- true colors
- truth
- Try
- Trying people
- tUnE-yArDs
- Turbofresh
- turn back that night
- Twista
- Two Door Cinema Club
- twrk
- Tycho
- Tyde
- tyga
- Tyler Herro
- typically her
- tyrrer
- Uffie
- Ugetsu
- UK
- unbound
- Unholy Grail
- unleash the fucking dada
- unstoppable
- Until the Day I Die
- Until The Quiet Comes
- Up all night
- Up High
- uprising
- Upside Downslide
- vagrant
- vallis alps
- vapor
- Vaski
- Venice
- version
- verzache
- Vic Sage
- Victor Thompson
- Video
- videos
- Videotape
- vikings in tibet
- Vincent Caira
- Virtual Riot
- virtual self
- vitesse
- viticz
- w/u
- wagamama
- waiting for l
- Waiting Up
- Waking Up
- Walking On A Dream
- want me
- warm
- warm water
- washed out
- Wassup
- Wasted Faces
- watch the ride
- watermelon sundae
- wateva
- Wax Motif
- wayne snow
- Wayward
- We Are All Prostitutes
- we rise
- Welcome to my house party
- west1ne
- westbay music
- weval
- what can i do
- what is love
- What Would I Do
- What You Know
- what you want
- whats geo up to
- when i die
- When the Wise Men Fall
- where we started
- Whip my hair
- Whirring
- White Label
- white lies
- white noise
- White Tiger
- wiki
- wildfire
- Wilkinson
- willow beats
- without
- without u
- Without You
- Wiz Khalifa
- Woods
- words
- work for you
- wrld
- wtmhp
- wuki
- x
- Xaphoons
- Xav-er
- xavier
- xlr8r
- xo
- Xperiment
- XX
- Xylo
- y don't u
- Ya know
- yaeji
- Yameii
- yancy
- yasper
- ylxr
- You
- you & me
- you and me
- You Are Why I Am Invisible
- you can't run now
- You Got The Love
- you got to go
- you were right
- you're audrey hepburn
- you're cute
- youandewan
- young
- Young Rebels
- your words
- yuma.
- yung gud
- Zedd
- Zeds Dead
- zen
- zhu
- zoe johnston
- zoology
- zyra
- ॐ
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- 日の出前
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